Maximizing customer value through innovative solutions.....
SUPPLY - we check market suppliers and have one of (if not the) lowest margins to find you inexpensive energy. We also do index deals and Portfolio Management if you wish. We have saved some customers up to 40-65% of what they had been paying
ENERGY EFFICIENCY - we help do retrofits (lighting and HVAC) which can cut energy costs by 45% and ALSO take your projects to the wholesale market to get project EE capacity revenue. We can add additional revenue streams with EPAct tax benefits.
DEMAND RESPONSE - if you have some consumption flexibility (i.e. drop load during the summer period no more than 10 times, and no more than 6 hours at those times, at the Grid's request) or have backup generation, we can help get you a revenue stream of about $4.50/kW/Month.
PEAK LOAD CONTRIBUTION PREDICTOR - we have modelling capabilities (Bayesian optimization, volatility, confidence levels, Budget Variance analyses, etc) including the PLC predictor. If you can reduce consumption during the 5 predicted PLC hours, you can substantially reduce your generation and transmission capacity bill from your utility.
GENERATION - we can help interconnect generation and maximize its revenues streams. This includes cogen, solar, LFG, etc.
INNOVATIVE OPTIONS - we can help with Risk and Portfolio Management innovations that reduce risk, increase margins and add innovative products to your tool bag. Options can be with SRECs, capacity and energy.